How does coal compare with other power supply options?
Coal mixed with other fuels is the MOST EXPENSIVE in terms of generation cost, yet, it is the preferred power source by the Palawan Provincial Government.
If not coal, what then? Go for renewable energy.
Renewable Energy Projects in Palawan
Secretary Petilla has identified renewable energy projects in Palawan. Note that there are five potential hydro power plants in San Vicente but there are no takers yet (yellow in the picture below).
Aborlan is not named in the map despite the potential hydro power source in Talakaigan.
Recommendations of DOE Secretary
In the recent energy summit in Palawan, one of the measures adopted to resolve the power problems in the province is the "adoption of the Palawan Power Situationer and Outlook that was presented by Department of Energy Sec. Carlos Jericho Petilla."
Any action to push the coal-fired power plant in Palawan is not consistent with the findings, conclusions, and recommendations made by DOE Secretary Petilla.
Every Palaweno should realize that there are better and cheaper options other than coal. Let us not be fooled into thinking that coal is the only option!
Source of images: Petilla, J.C. 2014. Palawan Power Situationer & Outlook. Paper presented during the Palawan Energy Summit, 24 January 2014, Puerto Princesa City.